Robert D. Reed Publishers News
Paraplegic Author Skydiving!
I CAN STILL DO IT! Karen Trolan Paraplegic Skydiving Skydiving
Cleone ReedRead this book review!
Cleone Reed
What a dynamic author we have in Karen Trolan. Here is a book review of her book, I Can Still Do It!
These books on abuse should be in college curriculums
Barry Goldstein Forgiveness and Child Abuse Lois Einhorn Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century Robert D. Reed Publishers STOP ABUSE CAMPAIGN The Quincy Solution
Cleone ReedHow many kinds of abuse are there? Child abuse. Sexual abuse. Rape. Emotional abuse. Psychological abuse. Physical abuse. Religious abuse. Domestic violence. Bullying. Cyber bullying. Genocide. Ritual abuse. Did I forget any? We have at least one book for every one of these kinds of abuse. WHY IS IT that I learned so very little in graduate school about abuse? We have published several books on abuse, and I am very proud of that fact. I wish many of these were assigned to me when I was getting my degrees in Social Work, Education, and Counseling!!! Decades later, now working with...
Some Immigrants to Totally Admire
3 years 8 months 20 days Ben Keirnan Cambodian Genocide Cambodian History College curriculum Dr. Fran Pilch Fear of hunger Fran Pilch Frances T. Pilch Genocide Immigrants Invisible Mac and Simone Leng Mac Leng Pol Pot Pol Pot Regime Refugees Simone Leng Surviving Genocide
Cleone ReedThe Great Noontide by Robert D. Sawyer
Cleone Reed
One of my greatest pleasures in life is having a happy author. I visited Bob Sawyer today; he is now 94, and he is very proud of his book, as he rightly should be. I delivered a full-page color photo of the front-cover image, "Magic of Old Prague" by Slava Posudevsky for him to frame. To think that when we contacted Slava in 2013, he gave us permission to use this lovely painting on the cover, free of charge, and we are all forever grateful. Life is full of synchronicity. Just after we got this book printed, a dear friend...