Robert D. Reed Publishers News — The Physically Fit Messiah
Humor and Wisdom for Everyone
Avoid Alzheimers Cal Samra Humor and wellness The Physically Fit Messiah Weight Loss
Cleone ReedMarketing our newest book, The Physically Fit Messiah: Wellness Wisdom PAST and PRESENT, by Cal Samra has been the focus of our time lately. It will officially be released in March, and we are offering potential reviewers an advance copy. Communicating with the author is always a good experience; he is an absolute gem, full of good humor and cheer. Yesterday, he wrote the following email to me: “Some humor from the Arctic to start your day.“Yesterday I sold three books. The first was to a friend who is Jewish and regularly attends a synagogue. His comment: ‘Anyone who can sell...
THE PHYSICALLY FIT MESSIAH, a great book soon going to print!
Cal Samra Jack Jewell The Physically Fit Messiah The Risen Christ by the Sea
Cleone ReedWe are pretty excited about going to print with The Physically Fit Messiah, a book written by a most delightful octogenarian author, Cal Samra, the founder and editor of The Joyful Noiseletter. We have been having wonderful conversations with lots of laughter, and working with him on this book has been an absolute pleasure.Today, Cal and I each went through the first formatted proof from the typesetter and made a list of the tweaks needed before going to print. The soft-cover book will OFFICIALLY be released to all major bookstores and as an eBook on Kindle on March 17, 2016, but we will...